miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

YeStErDaY wAs ThE dAy !!

Hey Everyone!

The Jonas Brothers just finished an amazing show in London!

Their new album "Lines, Vines and Trying Times" is in stores today !!

Here's a reminder to tune in ..

Disney Channel has declared YESTERDAY JONAS DAY !! Throughout the day, the Disney Channel will air specials including, "Making of the Tour Spots", "Paranoid" music video, "Making of Paranoid", "Fly With Me" music video, "Good Morning America" performance and more !!


Don't miss the "LARRY KING LIVE" sit down interview with the Jonas Brothers on Thursday, June 18th. Submit your questions on the Jonas Brothers Facebook page (http://www.facebook/JonasBrothers) by Wednesday and Larry will choose some of your questions to ask the Jonas Brothers on air !!

Don’t forget to go out and get your copy of "Lines, Vines and Trying Times" today !!

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